Wizard on the Web - Applying your knowldge in business

Unit Four - Activity 3

Part 1: Write a report detailing the benefits of an intranet and the potential risks.

Answers, perhaps in list form, should include at least 4 advantages and at least 10 disadvantages or problems.

Benefits of an intranet:

1. Sharing of information / "open" culture
2. Ease of data collection
3. Information accuracy, relevance and currency
4. Easy collaboration between departments / individuals
5. Reduced costs / improved efficiency / improved effectiveness

And perhaps:
1. Improved customer service via. extranet access.

Problems to consider:

Written / defined policies for:
1. Design & style of the intranet
2. Need for control of publishing access
3. Type of content allowed
4. Security issues – passwords etc.
5. Copyright and other legal issues
6. Content ownership issues
7. Training of staff
8. "space" request logistics
9. Maintenance issues / costs
10. Technical issues – resources provided
11. Commercial "snooping"
12. Security issues – encryption etc.

Part 2: Identify three uses of an intranet and, for each one, explain how it would be used in your chosen business Answers should identify three feasible uses for an intranet.

For each use, a detailed explanation will be provided. The explanation will be realistic (not fantastic or fanciful) and should demonstrate an understanding or knowledge of most of the issues described in part 1 of this question.

* "Unusual" uses for an intranet should be considered as satisfactory only in light of the explanation of how it would operate, and a consideration of the technical issues involved.
Part 3: Describe how the latest technology could improve an existing Intranet. The answer should make reference to specific failings or inadequacies of an intranet that the candidate has used or is using.

The answer should identify the candidate’s understanding of "latest technology". This should be accurate in its concept and interpretation. The answer can include both / either hardware or software as its focus.

The answer should provide a detailed explanation of how the new technology would improve the situation.

Answers will also identify:
How such improvements will impact use of the system and / or current practices and procedures.

An identification of the next (possible) problem area created as a result of these changes.
Part 4: What copyright issues do you need to consider? The answer should identify:

Requirements of the Copyright Act

Issues regarding the control and use of all text, images or other materials (in any format) belonging to others that are used within the company or in connection with its business, products or services.

Issues regarding the use by others of all text, images or other materials (in any format) created by the company.

Better answers may include the difficulty of policing such rules. Reference may be made to F.A.S.T.
F.A.C.T. or other regulatory bodies.