Wizard on the Web - Webserver Management

Unit Three - Activity 3

Write an outline security plan …..
In your plan you should include the following:

The plan presented should be well structured, clear and concise. The following five topics must be included – each topic must include at least half of the following in each section:

Potential threats to security

Theft / fraud
Criminal damage
Commercial espionage

Software and hardware solution

Separate web / network servers
OS type
Server software
Data security
Data backup
User access
Additional services – HTTPS
Authentication and Authorisation
Log analysis
Software / security upgrades
Security planning / policy

The purpose of a firewall

Essentially – to keep unwanted activity out.ymmetric key
Asymmetric key

Types of encryption

Symmetric key
Asymmetric key
Better answers may mention Base64, Base128 techniques
Features of cryptography Password structure
Password secrecy
One or two key encryption
Secure transactions i.e. banking